Vereniging voor Explosieven Opsporing
Centrale belangenbehartiger voor opsporen Conventionele Explosieven!
Compulsory certification for the detection of UXO is required on the basis of the Working Conditions Decree. Click here for further information about the statutory basis for this.
The certification of UXO detection firms is undertaken on the basis of the so-called system certificate under the activity-specific certification scheme for the detection of unexploded objects (WSCS-OCE).
The WSCS-OCE is included in Annex XII of the Working Conditions Regulations. The current version of the WSCS-OCE can be downloaded at Go directly to the full text via: WSCS-OCE, Annex XII Working Conditions Regulations.
The Certification Scheme was last changed in July 2016. Click here for the publication of this change in the Bulletin of Acts and Decrees. We notified the sector about this change in the JULY 2016 Newsletter. For further information also see
The WSCS-OCE contains the process requirements for preliminary investigation and detection of CE. Please click below for a themed explanation of the requirements contained in the WSCS-OCE.
Preliminary investigation
UXO Detection process
Sub-areas for certification
Staff expertise
Technical requirements (Annexes to WSCS-OCE)
Company organisation requirements
Investigation assistance in suspected UXOOCE area
The Foundation for the Certification of Fireworks and Explosives (SCVE) is responsible for managing the WSCS-OCE. Click here for further information about the certification structure. Further information about the certification structure can be found at where various documents can also be downloaded.